Monday, February 15, 2016

The Relevance Of Business Data Analysis To Business Success


For a long while now, analysing data has been regarded as the next frontier for productivity and remaining at the forefront of existing competition in business. It has been forecasted by Tech Company EMC, that in 2020 there will be growth increase to over 40,000 exabytes allowing for a large scope to analyse very large amounts of unstructured data such as social media messages and pictures. 

The relevance of this development cannot be overstated. Business data analysis is instrumental to understanding the current state of a brand/business to ensure the right steps for growth and expansion are identified and executed for growth and expansion. 
The one sure way to increase the relevance of business data analysis to business success and increased productivity/profitability lies in the statement of an obvious need for information that is mostly understood by an in-depth knowledge of the target audience of your business, which includes detailed demographics and their characteristics among other things. 

Hence, data analysis involves inspecting the relevant parts of a large body of unstructured information collected and categorized into useful formats to initiate the best decision making to ensue. 

Because of how important it is to collect and analyse such information, we have set up services and products to point you in the right direction towards increasing the worth of your brand’s productivity and ensure your business expansion.

You can have your team register now for our next Business Data Analysis and In-depth Excel Training.

We also provide consulting services to help you:
- Identify the characteristics of your most lucrative customers
- Identify the promotion strategies that are working and those that are not
- Increase in customer loyalty and retention
- Manage inventory better by forecasting needs and eliminating waste,

With us you get the needed business edge to turn your business data into actionable insights that will achieve the best profitable outcomes. 

You can reach us at or +234-808-938-2423 or +1-941-312-2094


  1. Nice post! This is a very nice blog that I will definitively come back to more times.

  2. Business data analysis plays a crucial role in driving business success by providing insights that inform strategic decisions, improve operational efficiency, and enhance overall performance. Here’s how effective business data analysis contributes to business success:

    Data-Driven Insights: Analyzing business data allows organizations to uncover trends, patterns, and correlations that provide valuable insights into customer behavior, market trends, and operational performance.

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    Scenario Planning: By analyzing historical data and forecasting future trends, businesses can make informed decisions about resource allocation, product development, pricing strategies, and market expansion.

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